Principle Inverstigator导师:
Longhui Qin 秦龙辉

Longhui Qin received his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation from Xi'an Jiaotong Univeristy in 2011. Then he achieved the PhD. degree majoring in Mechatronic Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2016. From 2017 to 2020, he worked as a research fellow and postdoc scholar in Nanyang Technological Univeristy, Singapore and California University Los Angeles, US respectively.
Currently, he works as an associate professor in Southeast University in China. His research fields mainly include tactile sensors, computer vision, dexterous manipulation, human-machine interaction, and intelligent perception and control etc.

Yihua Wang 王逸华
Master Student 硕士在读
Education 教育背景:
From 2017.9 to 2024.6, Tiangong University, Industrial Design, Undergraduate Student;
From 2021.9 to 2024.6, Southeast University&Monash University, Industrial Design, Master's student;
2017.9-2021.6 天津工业大学 工业设计 学士
2021.9-2024.6 东南大学&蒙纳士大学 工业设计 硕士
Personal Interests 个人兴趣:
Basketball, badminton
Research Interest研究方向:
Tactile finger design, human-machine interaction, industrial design

Xiaowei Shi 史晓微
Master Student 硕士在读
Education 教育背景:
From 2018.8 to 2022.7, Southeast University, Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate Student;
From 2022.9 to now, Southeast University, Mechanical Engineering, Master's student;
2022.9-至今,东南大学,机械工程,硕士在读 (保研);
Personal Interests 个人兴趣:
table tennis, running and other sports;
Research Interest研究方向:
tactile finger design, intelligent perception and manipulation of robots, and artificial intelligence algorithms.

Wenhui Yang 杨文辉
Master Student 硕士在读
Education 教育背景:
From 2019.8 to 2023.7, Southeast University, Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate Student;
From 2023.9 to now, Southeast University, Mechanical Engineering, Master's student;
2023.9-至今,东南大学,机械工程,硕士在读 (保研);
Research Interest研究方向:
Dexterous hand with tactile sensing, Robotic intelligent sensing and manipulation

Jing Fang 方静
Master Student 硕士在读
Education 教育背景:
From 2018.09 to 2022.06, Anhui Polytechnic University, Industrial Design, Undergraduate Student; From 2023.09 to now, Southeast University, Industrial Design Engineering, Master Student;
Personal Interests 个人兴趣:
music, dancing, reading and other activities;
Research Interest研究方向:
tactile glove feedback design.

Bowen Gu 顾博文
Master Student 硕士在读
Education 教育背景:
From 2019.09 to 2023.06, Zhejiang University of Technology, Industrial Design, Undergraduate Student;
From 2023.09 to now, Southeast University & Monash University, Industrial Design Engineering, Master's student;
Personal Interests 个人兴趣:
Fitness, basketball, diving, traveling and other activities;
Research Interest研究方向:
Human-robot interaction; Robotics

Hongliang Zhao赵泓量
Master Student 硕士在读
Education 教育背景:
From 2020.8 to 2024.6, Hunan University, Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation, Undergraduate Student;
From 2024.8 to now, Southeast University, Mechanical Engineering, Master's student;
2024.8-至今, 东南大学,机械工程,硕士在读(保研);
Personal Interests 个人兴趣:
Violin, Swimming and other sports;
Research Interest研究方向:
Vision-Guided Robotic Manipulation and Control, Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.